Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A French Touch

I have a "significant" birthday coming up, 
well that's what I am being told.
I really don't want to think about it.
I still think of myself as younger but then this morning
I had a revelation. I was up at 6am, dropped my son
off to senior school and I was washing blinds and windows
when I thought how much I enjoyed clean windows.
So yes I am ageing, I am like my mother, I do enjoy
to sit and have a coffee and read the paper, like my father.
I do like to have my cleaning done early.
All of these things are not bad, not bad at all, just a new
stage in life that creeps up on you when you are not looking.  
Maybe too when you look at it, I am grown up, never thought
that would happen. One thing though I am still looking forward
to is the cake. And then there is that saying "you are only as
old as you think". So not all so bad.
Anyway here are some timber Paris words I have decorated
for the French Country Market I am attending in March.

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